CEPA Glossary: Key Terms & Definitions for Developers and Consultants

CEPA Key Terms & Definitions

Action: Any individual activity or a sequence of activities initiated or proposed to be undertaken by a state agency that may significantly affect the environment. This includes, but is not limited to, capital improvements, alterations, demolitions, and acquisitions of properties by state agencies. (Defined in Section 22a-1a-1(2) of the CEPA Regulations)

Connecticut Environmental Policy Act (CEPA): A state law that requires state agencies to evaluate the environmental impacts of proposed actions and to consider alternatives that may have less adverse effects on the environment. CEPA is codified in Sections 22a-1 through 22a-1h of the Connecticut General Statutes.

Direct Impact: An impact that is caused by an action and occurs at the same time and place as the action. (Defined in Section 22a-1a-1(7) of the CEPA Regulations)

Environment: The physical, biological, social, and economic surroundings and conditions that exist within the state, including land, air, water, minerals, flora, fauna, noise, and objects of historic, aesthetic, or recreational value. (Defined in Section 22a-1a-1(10) of the CEPA Regulations)

Environmental Assessment (EA): A concise public document that provides sufficient evidence and analysis for determining whether to prepare an Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE) or a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI). (Defined in Section 22a-1a-1(11) of the CEPA Regulations)

Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE): A detailed written document that describes the environmental impacts of a proposed state action and the alternatives considered, as well as the measures to be taken to mitigate any adverse effects on the environment. (Defined in Section 22a-1a-1(12) of the CEPA Regulations)

Environmental Monitor: A bimonthly publication of the Connecticut Council on Environmental Quality that provides public notice of Environmental Impact Evaluations, scoping notices, post-scoping notices, and other CEPA-related documents.

Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI): A document prepared by a sponsoring agency briefly presenting the reasons why an action will not have a significant effect on the environment and, therefore, why an Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE) will not be prepared. (Defined in Section 22a-1a-1(13) of the CEPA Regulations)

Impact: Any alteration of or effect on the environment, whether beneficial or adverse, that is anticipated as a result of an action or an alternative to an action. (Defined in Section 22a-1a-1(15) of the CEPA Regulations)

Indirect Impact: An impact that is caused by an action and occurs later in time or farther removed in distance from the action but is still reasonably foreseeable. (Defined in Section 22a-1a-1(16) of the CEPA Regulations)

Mitigation: Measures taken to avoid, minimize, or compensate for the adverse environmental impacts of an action. (Defined in Section 22a-1a-1(19) of the CEPA Regulations)

Notice of Scoping: A notice published by a sponsoring agency in the Environmental Monitor that announces the beginning of the scoping process for a proposed action and invites public participation. (Defined in Section 22a-1a-1(21) of the CEPA Regulations)

Office of Policy and Management (OPM): The state agency responsible for overseeing the implementation of CEPA and providing guidance to other state agencies on CEPA compliance.

Post-Scoping Notice: A notice published by a sponsoring agency in the Environmental Monitor that announces the agency's determination, based on the scoping process, of whether to prepare an Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE) or a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI). (Defined in Section 22a-1a-1(23) of the CEPA Regulations)

Public Scoping Process: A process conducted by a sponsoring agency to determine the scope of the environmental analysis, the significant issues to be analyzed in depth, and the reasonable alternatives to be considered in an Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE). (Defined in Section 22a-1a-1(24) of the CEPA Regulations)

Record of Decision (ROD): A concise public document that states the sponsoring agency's decision on a proposed action, identifies the alternatives considered, and discusses the factors that led to the decision, including the agency's responses to substantive comments received during the public review period for the Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE). (Defined in Section 22a-1a-1(25) of the CEPA Regulations)

Scoping: The process by which a sponsoring agency determines the scope of issues to be addressed and identifies the significant environmental issues related to a proposed action. (Defined in Section 22a-1a-1(26) of the CEPA Regulations)

Sponsoring Agency: The state agency responsible for preparing an Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE) or a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for a proposed action. (Defined in Section 22a-1a-1(27) of the CEPA Regulations)

State Agency: Any department, board, commission, institution, or other agency of the state government, including quasi-public agencies. (Defined in Section 22a-1a-1(28) of the CEPA Regulations)

Tiering: The process of incorporating by reference the general discussions and relevant specific discussions from an Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE) of broader scope into a subsequent EIE or Environmental Assessment (EA) of narrower scope. (Defined in Section 22a-1a-1(29) of the CEPA Regulations)

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